Bit_master: It was decent. Okay graphics/animation somewhere very good graphics/animation. 8/10
Striker f2: good graphics smooth animation. Keep it up! 7/10
HyperactiveYouth: Very good graphics. decent animation. 7/10
unkown999:Very bad sonic and knuckles graphics. The eggman and shadow was decent. Okay animation. 4/10
Slowshadow: Looked like traced sprites and backgrounds. And they where traced pretty bad. didn't look to good. 2/10
Doom_fox: Extrem graphics and animation. I would call it perfect. Except the mountainst and tails. they where "only" decent. 9/10
0_lilmario_0: It was very short but decent graphics and animation. 6/10
Death cronx:That was the worst drawn sonic movie ive ever seen.
EXTREMELY bad graphics and sonic runned very slow. 1/10
Ultimate_TH: Very good graphics and the animation was superb. Awesome job! 9/10
Llammaldsofsci: Halo in a sonic movie?!. Okay animation but didn't like the halo part. 3/10
Sweet cat22: Okay graphics and animation. Nice job and congrats with the good collab 6/10
Overall:5,5 rank: Decent
This was my opinion. Hopefully i was fair:). Sorry if i offended :(
Good luck with future animations everyone